Aagneya Firefox OS Hackathon Results are Out!

Mozilla Kerala had organized a24-hour Firefox OS Hackathon at Government Engineering College, Barton Hill as part of their Annual Cultural-cum-Technical Fest – Aagneya ’15 on March 21-22, 2015. Read the report of the event here. Since there was very tight and close competition for the winner of the hackathon, we had announced that we would finalize the results after discussing with the other developers in the community. And during our discussions in the community, the poll was tied again. So, in the end, we finally decided that we would give both the apps 2 weeks in the Firefox Marketplace and see which of the apps got more reviews and users.

In the end, it was the Blood Bank app by Jayadeep K M & Nisham Mohammed that made it to the top.

Check out the screenshots of the winning app – Blood Bank by Jayadeep K M & Nisham Mohammed
blood-bank-scr-1    blood-bank-scr-2    blood-bank-scr-3

Congratulations to @mnishamk and @kmjayadeep for winning the contest. We also need to make a special mention and shout-out to @sivsivsree. You did a great job. Your To-Do App was too good to be neglected. In fact, it put us into confusion as to whom to award the prize. But in the end, we have only one prize to give away. And we had to choose the better of the two. But keep up the spirit and continue building for Firefox OS.

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