Categories: Event Report Webmaker

Mozilla @ FOSS Day, TocH Institute of Science & Technology

Mozilla Kerala conducted a one-day Firefox OS App Development Workshop on January 16, 2014 on occasion of FOSS Day at TocH Institute of Science & Technology (TIST), Arakkunnam, Ernakulam.

FOSS Day, TocH Institute

A 5-member team from the Mozilla Kerala community was invited to take the sessions. The workshop started around 10:00AM. We had a participation of 50+ students from in and around Kochi, all eager to learn and make Firefox OS Apps.

Shine gave an Introduction to Mozilla and its activities, he also described about the Mozilla Kerala Community and as was his typical nature, wasn’t keen on stopping! He went on and on, about Webmaker, about MDN and the likes. When he finally did finish, Kumaresan.C.Sintroduced himself and explained in detail about the Webmaker project and the new MDN, with live demonstration of the websites.

Then an introductory session on Firefox OS was given by Praveen, who desribed about the need for the open, web based platform and its unique features. After this a commotion followed since not many had the Firefox OS simulator installed, so a bit of time was lost in the installation of the Firefox OS simulator on their machines. The participants were mostly inexperienced, and we thought it was better to have all of them install a basic template app on the Simulator and play around by changing the content to their respective names.
Introductory Session

After setting up a basic app up on their simulators, the participants were briefed about the numerous Web API’s available with the platform. Excited with the possibilities in hand, the participants broke off for lunch.

After lunch, we decided that it would be better to have a session on the basics of HTML and CSS (since the participants were beginners and were inexperienced with web programming) – the session was handled by Anush Anilkumar.

Finally, a little webmaker hacking session followed and even though time was limited, some of the participants were able to demonstrate their app concepts. A final session, giving tips on app design guidelines and marketplace submission was given by Praveen.

The AppDay, or more clearly put, Webmaker came to an end at around 4:30PM.

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