Categories: Event Report Meetup

Mozilla Kerala Community Meetup 2.0

We had the first Mozilla Kerala Meetup in September 2013 where 18 strangers from across Kerala came together with a common passion – to build a better Web. We talked, inspired and got inspired. By the end of the day, we were no longer strangers; We were Mozillians! And that day, a community – Mozilla Kerala was born. It has been a wonderful time for us – the community – since then. We’ve done a lot of things since then

  • organized several events.
  • took Mozilla to other events.
  • taught little kids to code.
  • senior citizens how to use Internet safely.
  • introduced Firefox OS to developers.
  • and what not!

So this time we had a bigger plan in mind, meet and grow as a community, reflect on our activities since the previous meetup and plan for the future ahead.

The community had grown a lot more since the last meetup. In 2014, we found a lot more ground to cover and lot more people to reach. As with every event, we spent a lot of time planing this event to make it productive but at the same time cool enough too.


Abid ( Intro Specialist ) kick-started into the amazing day by briefing about the Mozilla Keralacommunity and Mozilla.


Followed by the a brief time for self-introductions, we had a fun-session getting to know each other. After that, without much delay, we moved directly into our agenda for the day.


Community Year Review

Anush (bmx) was in charge of delivering a recap of the activities of the community so far.

Recap - bmx

After the event report, the community was bubbling with suggestions and ideas for future events and projects.

We decided to divide the participants into teams of 5 to discuss the ideas in detail and come up with a work-flow for implementing the same. Following sessions in the agenda included

  • Building Task Forces for each project
  • Plan future events
  • Involve more women into Mozilla
  • and more…

With these plans in mind, it was time to explain what each of these meant to the community so they could discuss on their ideas during the group discussion session.


It was jsx who took the honour of explaining each point. He explained each of Mozilla Kerala‘s projects in detail. He also addressed the gathering regarding his experiences volunteering with Mozilla.


The group discussion session did come out with a handful of ideas and suggestions on how to organize events effectively and how to reach out the larger public masses of the society.

We formed task forces for every project. And within a couple of hours, we had a stronger, efficient and productive community that was ready to tackle all possible situations.

After lunch, we introduced a few technologies that helped a community’s working effectively, to the members who were unfamiliar with these so we thought of having further discussions along the same line some time later. A few technologies we introduced were :

It was almost time to wind the event for the day and we were done what we had planned for Community Meetup v2.0; With few time left to spare, we utilized the opportunity to let members introduce themselves in detail and their areas of interest in which they could help.

Group Click

With that we came to the end of an incredible day. We hung around for a few more minutes clicking shots. We finally dispersed with a group shot.

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