I was a hola at Swathanthra Malayalam Computing, so I would like to start with the planning for the event rather than giving a brief intro at the start.
Read more about the event : http://12.smc.org.in/en.html.
I would like to announce as a disclaimer the this was not a Mozilla event, so it was not marked on Reps portal.
The plan to set up a Mozilla stall was decided just 32 hours prior to the event. That was more than enough time for preparation, but not for other swags, banners & mozillians nearby to reschedule their plans to attend the event. From the IRC meeting held on the eve of the event, we concluded that there would be 4 mozillians who would be able to attend the event and we also planned an agenda as well.
- Demonstrate firefox in Malayalam.
- Get new Contributors to help Mozilla with L10N for Malayalam.
As expected, we had a delay in getting the resources at the venue, so a last-minute decision was made to postpone the stall to day 2 of the event ;). It was <a href=https://facebook.com/abidaboobaker”>Abid, Amjad and me who were able attend the program, since we weren’t able to make a stall as planned, we decided to attend the programs.
On the second day, Suneesh and I managed to set up a stall with the available swags and demonstrated Mozilla in Malayalam and provide a live demo of the Firefox OS.
The Mozilla Stall
As planned, we demonstrated Mozilla in malayalam to all those were interested to get it in their regional language.
Yes, we did manage to get a couple of volunteers to L10N.
More Pics At : http://www.flickr.com/photos/90004306@N03/sets/72157636590821016/
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