Event Name : Wiki Sangamotsavam
Event (Reps Portal ) : Page
Event (Wikipedia) : Page
Mozilla’s presence organizer : Anush (bmx)
Venue : Alappuzha, Kerala.
Other Blog posts :
1. Praveen Sridhar : Post
The three-day event kicked off on 21st December 2013, at Alappuzha, Kerala, the first two days included the sessions, Wiki Editing Workshop & many more, the third day was set for a boat ride called ‘JalaYathra’.
As usual, we came with a delegate agenda pretending to roll a mountain a month ago; the wikipedians loved it and were excited to have us there.
- Give information about the new Lightbeam, privacy add-on by Mozilla and how that enables users to see who are tracking them on the web.
- Information on password security, user privacy and how Mozilla values these elements.
- Malayalam localization activities by Mozilla.
- Information on other interesting Mozilla projects such as the Firefox OS, Firefox for Android, etc
- Demo of Firefox OS devices
The event also included a couple of sessions from the Mozillian delegates too :
- Web Privacy by Anush (bmx)
- Building apps for Firefox OS by Praveen Sridhar
Event Schedule : Page
As per the plan, we were expecting approximately 500-1500 attendees for the 2 days. The first day was targeted on school students, so we had to make a slight modification in our proposed agenda.
Ready Set go
Day 1 : Kicked off with Wiki Students’ Meet, the first day started grand. Meanwhile, the Mozillians were busy setting up their big stall to welcome their most-awaited guests.
We were all set with loads of stickers, flyers and Geeksphones for demo (2 Keons & a Peak). Although the first picture looks WTF, that was shot with a different meaning :
W -> Webmaker
T -> Thunderbird
F -> Firefox
First day being targeted on school students, we had to modify our agenda a little, we moved the Firefox OS showcase to later sessions and concentrated on enlightening knowledge for teachers and students on Password security, Privacy on the web and the need for open web. We even launched an Open Quiz on web technologies to make it more interesting. We had a giant Poster to promote open web standards.
The quiz consisted 5 questions. Thanks to Saurabh (jsx) for preparing the questions.
- What is ‘Gecko’?
- What was initial name of Firefox?
- Who invented HTML?
- What are David Filo & Jerry Yang famous for ?
- What do you know about open web?(50 Words Max)
A part of the booth was concentrated on webmaker, helping students & other guests to gain knowledge on building the amazing web.
Once we were set up and ready, the booth started flooding with future Web revolutionists. Within moments the booth was filled with students as well as adults – people who were amazed to see the development of the web, the precautions every user must take to stay safe on the web, wars happening to save the web.
Though we had initially moved the Firefox OS device showcase to later sessions, the students loved to hear more about the brand new Firefox OS; this forced us to bring the FFOS showcase session back on the agenda.
As a certificate of achieving knowledge about the web we gave them a badge with the Mozilla tag (thanks to Abid for curating the stunning design in just 10 Minutes). Small sessions turned out big, every participant at the event started attending our sessions at the booth to get the badge.
Soon Mozilla tags were everywhere, it seemed more like a Mozilla event. People loved it and that made us happier.
Even Wikipedians loved the web <3.
The stall continued to be a busy place till stumps ( day close :P). See more stills of the amazing moments of Day 1 on flickr : http://www.flickr.com/photos/90004306@N03/sets/72157638883798293/
Day 2 : Started with a small meetup of Mozillians present to ensure the smooth conduct at the booth. We were loaded with swags again and it was the big day, being a public holiday we were expecting a huge audience and there was 2 talks scheduled by mozillians on Web Privacy and Firefox OS.
Within moments of opening, the booth was again filled up with web lovers, the youngest visitor to booth was just months old.
As expected, there were people from technical backgrounds who were interested to see the new Firefox OS and the devices available. They were speechless to see the all-new brand-amazing new FFOS which was built in just 3 years time and the features it provided how it stood competition to the existing established Google’s Android OS. Folks working on the web were excited to get their hands on the FFOS, and were in search of an AppDay to get started.
Soon, we announced the winner of the OpenQuiz of Day 1, it was Bestin Mathew James and OpenQuiz for Day 2 had already been accepting responses.
OpenQuiz 2
- What is the code name of Firefox OS?
- JavaScript language was created at mozilla and he is the current CTO of Mozilla. Who is this geek?
- In which Year was world Wide Web Invented?
- What is the official Theme song of Wikipedia?
- Who is considered to be the world’s first programmer?
At the same time, the excitement and the suggestions at the stall continued at the same pace. We realized the need for an efficient speech assistance system for Firefox OS to make it usable for differently-abled people.
The winner of OpenQuiz 2 was announced 4 hours after publishing the questions due to time constraints, Congratulations Vipin George.
It was time for the two sessions from the mozillians, Web User Privacy and App Development with Firefox OS. The prizes for the winners of OpenQuiz was distributed before the 2 sessions.
And that was end of day 2. More shots of the amazing moments on Flickr :http://www.flickr.com/photos/90004306@N03/sets/72157638995960203/
Day 3 : Time to ride over the black waters of Alappuzha. It was time to take all the technological discussions to its extreme on the boat in the backwaters. Even discussions about the Firefox OS happened on the boat.
Beautiful Alleppey Backwaters
Key Events :
- വിക്കി മരംകേറ്റം ( Wiki Tree Climbing
- Windows vs Linux
- A few suggestions for Alappuzha.
- Allapuzha കരിമീന് Fry (Green chromide) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90004306@N03/11600363623/in/set-72157639108578705)
A very big thank you to all the Mozillians who contributed to make this a grand success. With special thanks to Abid for his coordination & to Adv. Sujith and Wikimedia Malayalam for inviting us to this event.
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