Categories: AppDays Event Report

AppDay @ Karma ’14

Firefox OS AppDays in Kerala have always been an eye opener to many engineering and software enthusiasts. An appday was organized as a part of Karma – the cultural cum technical fest of KMCT College of Engineering categorized as a workshop including sessions on HTML5/CSS3, building apps on Firefox OS, how to contribute to mozilla  and privacy. The Firefox Student Ambassador (FSA) team who turned up for the event were Amjad (coordinator), PraveenAbidshineVipin and Vigneshwer D.

The appday started with shine’s talk on Mozilla’s Mission and its benefits. Soon he made the participants realize that they were going to become a part of something big if they were going to be active in the community. He shared his experience and threw light on the working and structure of the community then he went on introducing Friefox OS and the browser. He covered the features of the Firefox browser and made the attendees feel like Firefox was more than just a browser, and the Firefox OS was something more brilliant.

After shine’s talk, Vigneshwer took the workshop forward with the actual fun and technical part for which the participants were eagerly waiting for. He started his session with the introduction to HTML and CSS, why it is important in FFOS app development, how to make a responsive template. He used a template code that contained 330 lines of HTML and CSS that he had prepared specially for the workshop. Code available on github ( The HTML part was covered in the morning session and the CSS part in the afternoon.

After the template was made Vipin demonstrated how to  pack  their codes to a perfect Firefox OS app, he also covered the Firefox OS Architecture along with it and he also covered how to use Web APIs in their apps.

Praveen explained about the different types of contributions one could do for achieving the ultimate mission of mozilla. It helped them realize the influence of mozilla in the internet world. He also gave the participants a preview of the developer versions of Firefox OS so that they could feel the OS with their own hands.

The good part of the event was that all the participants were able to develop a template app and turn it into responsive web apps, which they were determined to edit and put it up in the Firefox OS Marketplace. So we’re looking forward for more apps from the new developers.

The day ended with a quick group snap.

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